
Yappapoo is an Fashion Ecommerce Website for Senior Citizens

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Main Idea

The main idea behind this project is to provide a one and only fashion store for the senior citizens who likes to be updated with the fashion trends.

Technologies Used

  1. Back-end:
    • Python: Python is Programming language I am going to use in this project. I will use it for Back-end programming and later for the scrapping and Artificial and Machine Learning Purpose.

    • Django: Django is a Back-end Framework of Python. I am going to use it for writing the back-end of the application.

    • Django REST Framework: Django REST Framework is a Python and Django Framework for developing REST APIs. I am going to use it to create API endpoints for my project.

    • PostgreSQL: As a Database, I am going to use PostgreSQL due to its high speed in critical transactions.

  2. Front-end:
    • HTML5: HTML is the root of any website. How can I leave it? I will use HTML for main web structuring of my project.

    • CSS3: I am going to use CSS3 for styling of my web application.

    • JavaScript: Ofcourse JavaScript, this is the main component to make my project more interactive and attractive.

    • jQuery: jQuery is a JavaScript Library I am going to use for better interactivity of the website from client side.

    • Bootstrap 4: I am going to use this CSS Framework for clean, responsive and mobile-friendly design.

    • AJAX: I am going to use AJAX for connecting or sending requests to APIs from my front-end.

    • Animate.css: I am going to use this library for animations.

    • Gradient.css: This library is developed by me. I am going to use this for cool gradients.

    • Font-awesome: I am going to use best icons from Font-awesome library.

  3. Other:
    • Git and GitHub: In today’s time, I am nothing without Git and GitHub. I am so addicted to it that i put my every project on the Github and just always play with this awesome version control system named Git.

    • Visual Studio Code: This is my all time favourite IDE and I am going to use it in my entire project.

    • Heroku: I am going to host the project on the Heroku.

    • Amazon S3 Storage: I will use S3 storage to serve my static files.

Current Plan for Features

I am planning to implement the following features at the initial stage and will later upgrade them to make this a very cool project:

- User can register their account through Facebook, Twitter, Google or by entering an email.
- User can browse from the large amount of products.
- User can add the item to their cart and with the desired quantity.
- User can check whether the item is available in their Postal Code or not.
- User can add the items in their wishlist.
- User can add multiple addresses and select the address he/she want to.
- User can directly buy the product and track the order in the My Account section.
- User can review the products.
- User can rate the products.
- User can pay the amount by COD or by Card. I am using stripe payments for the projects.
- User can subscribe for the newsletters.

Future Plan for Features

- I am planning to extend the Payment by using Razorpay which supports better options.
- Slack integration so that user can interact with the teams.
- AI Powered search results and recommendations.
- User can upload the sketches and they can get the results related to that sketch.
- Scrappers for scrappping images so that we can enhance the user experience.

About me

I am a pre-final year undergraduate from India and have about 2 years of Web Development Experience.

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